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Gift Set

boxed productHot sake set 300ml×3 ¥2,200
Kanzake set 300ml x 3
Including Tokubetsu honjozo who received vegan certification
It is a set of 3 bottles of pure rice raw sardines and abandoned pure rice mountains.
From the refreshing Tokubetsu honjozo, enjoy the deep taste of rice and the raw sake, which you can enjoy with the time to put on the sake.

Otani Shuzo Co., Ltd.
689-2352 368 Urayasu, Kotoura-cho, Tohaku-gun, Tottori

FAX: 0858-53-0112
Manufacture, sale and brewery of sake and authentic shochu

■ Brewing retail license 000
At the National Bureau's Research Institute of Brewing,
 we have won 13 Gold awards.
Heisei 21,9/18
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