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Gift Set

boxed productJungin set 300ml × 3 ¥ 2,200
Jungin Hawk Set 300ml x 3
The popular products of "Unforgettable Sake Takaisami", "Junmaiginjo Nakadare", "Junmaiginjo Goriki", and "Tokubetsu junmaishu" are now available in a set of 300ml x 3 bottles.
It's a perfect set for gifts, souvenirs, and comparisons.

Otani Shuzo Co., Ltd.
689-2352 368 Urayasu, Kotoura-cho, Tohaku-gun, Tottori

FAX: 0858-53-0112
Manufacture, sale and brewery of sake and authentic shochu

■ Brewing retail license 000
At the National Bureau's Research Institute of Brewing,
 we have won 13 Gold awards.
Heisei 21,9/18
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