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2024 Brewery opening

[Event date] Saturday, March 2024, 3 from 23:10 a.m. to 4:XNUMX p.m.

[Venue] In front of Otani Sake Brewing Company
         368 Urayasu, Tohaku-gunKotoura-cho, Tottori Prefecture

[Admission fee] Free *There are no admission restrictions for this brewery opening.
             Please come at any time you like.

[Event details] [Free service]
         ●Behavior of barrel sake
         ●Sake brewery tour (advance reservation accepted)
          *Please be sure to enter the name and contact information of the representative.
          *Please enter your desired start time (11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30) in the inquiry field.
           Please enter the number of participants.
          *The 14:30 session is empty. There are only a few left at 11:30, 12:30, and 13:30.
        *The 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, and 13:30 sessions have reached capacity.
          *If you wish to tour the brewery, natto, yogurt, etc. will be available from the day before.
           Please do not eat food that is contaminated with bacteria.
         ●Sake lees/Takayu crown magnet present
          *For those who answered the questionnaire

         [Food and beverage sales corner]
         ●Paid tasting of 10 types of Japanese sake
         ●Takayuu liquor sales
         *Present lottery only for those who purchase the product
         ●Freshly fried tempura
         ●Acho cutlet curry burger
         ●Fried Daisen chicken
         ●Soft drinks etc.

【Parking Lot】    None 
          *Please refrain from parking in the surrounding area without permission.
            *Please use JR (Urayasu Station) or Kotoura-cho bus (in front of the main government building).
Driving alcohol is strictly prohibited.

Otani Shuzo Co., Ltd. TEL:0858-53-0111 (Closed on Sundays and holidays)

Otani Shuzo Co., Ltd.
689-2352 368 Urayasu, Kotoura-cho, Tohaku-gun, Tottori

FAX: 0858-53-0112
Manufacture, sale and brewery of sake and authentic shochu

■ Brewing retail license 000
At the National Bureau's Research Institute of Brewing,
 we have won 13 Gold awards.
Heisei 21,9/18
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